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Good Girls Get Rich Podcast

Mar 21, 2022

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Lauren Hirsch Williams shares with Karen Yankovich how to win the room, both in-person and virtual.

Lauren Hirsch Williams is an author, marketing strategist, pitch stylist, Executive Producer, and award-winning screenwriter. She has held positions on all sides of the table, from Worldwide Director of Advertising at PepsiCo to Ad Agency executive to Entrepreneur. She's worked on Emmy winning shows and has developed a women's network that's rolling out across the globe in 2022 and beyond. She believes we all have the power to stand up again no matter how many times we're knocked down. Lauren has taken to writing as a way to share the paths she found lead to the greatest success in business and in life.


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About the Episode:

It can be hard to read the room correctly, even harder to win the room. Whether in-person or virtually, are you reading people correctly? How do you know?

All these questions seem difficult to answer. Thankfully, Lauren Hirsch Williams has the resources to help read the room correctly ­– and win the room!

Ready to start winning the room? Listen in to learn how!


Episode Spotlights:

  • Where to find everything for this week’s episode:
  • Introducing this episode’s guest, Lauren Hirsch Williams (2:18)
  • Lauren’s journey (3:31)
  • Lauren’s book (5:17)
  • Tips on how to win the room (8:34)
  • What happens if you read the room wrong? (14:36)
  • Is it different in a virtual meeting? (17:37)
  • What’s coming up for Lauren (20:33)
  • Where you can find Lauren (22:51)


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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