Jul 6, 2020
This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares how to make your relationship-based marketing efforts effective.
Building relationships is how you land big-ticket clients, but sometimes people aren’t ready to move forward after you first meet them. Relationship-marketing is the most effective way to stay in front of them so you’re there when they’re ready to move forward.
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Even pitched someone who wants to do business with you but it’s just not the right time for them to move forward? Things happen, and life gets in the way. The value in LinkedIn and relationship-based marketing is that you are able to genuinely stay in touch with that person, and you’ll be around when they’re ready to move forward.
Best Relationship-Marketing Methods
You might be wondering, “How do I do this?” The best place to start is on LinkedIn. After you first meet them, follow up with them occasionally. Be genuine, don’t pitch them, and ask questions about themselves. Maybe there was a program they’d been working on. Ask them how that’s going. Maybe there were some life changes happening. See how they’re doing.
Another way to stay in touch is to share their posts. By sharing their posts, you’re helping them gain more visibility. That’s always a good thing.
You can also find them a referral. Maybe the person you’re building a relationship with is a yoga instructor. If you have a friend who’s into yoga, refer them.
In everything you do, you want to provide value. Stay in touch, be genuine, provide value, and when they’re ready to move forward, you’ll be in the right position to do business with them.
Episode Spotlights:
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