Dec 18, 2017
This week, Good Girls Get Rich features guest, Susie Mordoh, a motivational speaker.
Who Is Susie Mordoh:
Episode Spotlights:
Final Insights:
Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
Susie’s Deck - use coupon code
kareny for a
Mordoh Website
Greater Than We
Susie Mordoh Facebook
Susie Mordoh Twitter
Susie Mordoh Pinterest
Susie Mordoh Instagram
Susie Mordoh LinkedIn
Marie Forleo’s B School
I pulled a card from Susie’s deck to signify what we all need to learn from this episode. I LOVE this one, it’s just what we believe and share in Good Girls Get Rich. Do what you love, what’s in your soul, what you’re good at, and that alignment will lead you to live a rich life.