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Good Girls Get Rich Podcast

Jul 31, 2023

This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen Yankovich dives into The Realtor LinkedIn Success Style!

Relators cherish authenticity, value building deep connections, and have the incredible ability to make others feel comfortable and drawn to their warmth.


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About the Episode:

In today's episode, we're diving into the LinkedIn Success Style known as "The Relator." If you find yourself resonating with this description, you're someone who cherishes authenticity, values building deep connections, and has the incredible ability to make others feel comfortable and drawn to your warmth.

The strength of The Relator lies in their capacity to connect with people on a profound, genuine level. And let me tell you, LinkedIn is the perfect platform for Relators to leverage their natural abilities and achieve massive success. By being true to themselves and showcasing their authentic personality in conversations, posts, and comments, Relators can establish trust and rapport with their network like no other.

My advice for Relators is to be selective with their network, identifying potential clients, partners, collaborators, and journalists who cover topics in their area of expertise. Regularly staying in touch with existing connections, endorsing their skills, and writing recommendations are fantastic strategies for maintaining warm and thriving relationships.

Now, when it comes to PR strategies, building personal relationships with the media is absolutely crucial. Relators can share personal experiences and stories that resonate with journalists, leading to potential features and interviews that significantly boost their credibility.

Nevertheless, Relators may encounter challenges, especially when they prioritize relationships over business objectives. It's important for them to set boundaries, learn to say no, and maintain professionalism while still nurturing their empathetic nature.

To infuse positive energy into their strategy, I suggest Relators leverage the power of the Rose Quartz crystal. This stone of universal love can help foster even deeper connections, remind them to love themselves, and maintain a balanced approach to relationships.

In our “She’s LinkedUp" program, I help Relators and other LinkedIn Success Styles become wealthy women of influence. By embracing their authentic connections and leveraging their strengths, they can elevate their LinkedIn strategy to new heights.

If you enjoyed this episode, please follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts and leave a review. Share the episode on social media using #goodgirlsgetrich to increase visibility. And hey, you can also leave an audio message on SpeakPipe to connect with me directly.

Don't forget to take the LinkedIn Success style quiz at to discover your unique style. Join us next week for the final LinkedIn Success Style, "The Illuminator." See you then!


Episode Spotlights:


Magical Quotes from the Episode:

  • "Picture someone who walks into a room and instantly everyone feels comfortable and drawn to their warmth. This person naturally builds bridges, not walls."
  • "You want to have genuine personality in your conversations, in your posts, in your comments, and your responses on LinkedIn, because that's what helps build that trust and that rapport with the people that you're connected to."
  • "So as I've been going through doing the work on really getting to know each one of our LinkedIn Success styles, I've kind of gone a little right brain on some of this too."
  • "Your vibe attracts your tribe, right? You want to keep your vibe high."
  • "I know that when there's more wealthy women in the world, beautiful things happen. And I know when there's more wealth in your life, you have more freedom."


Resources Mentioned In This Episode:


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